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Things About Me

Hubby and Me

Hello! Here are some things about me – I’m Melissa, a daughter of God, a wife, a mom, a sister, a gardener and a quilter. I love being all of these things and I’m especially excited to share my love of quilting with you. I’ve created many quilts over the last 17 years and my favorite part in the whole process is the actual quilting.

My passion for finishing quilts began when I had the opportunity to work on a shortarm quilter to finish a few quilts. Eventually, I purchased a used longarm quilting machine and have upgraded a couple of times. It was a dream come true to use beautiful designs that enhanced my cherished quilts. My quilting was mostly all over meandering but I spent hours practicing and perfecting the techniques. Due to lack of room inside the house and my husband needing his garage space, I was motivated to have a dedicated quilting space. (Some thing about me that you should know is that when I put my mind to something, I don’t give up!) I did my research and I myself, built a fabulous she shed in my backyard. Today, I have a home quilting studio that has become my favorite room in the house.

For me, the best part about quilting is that it’s never the same thing twice and I never get tired of it. There is always something more for me to learn & experience. My quilting journey has been one of endless creative possibilities and it’s brought me tremendous pleasure. I enjoy this process to the fullest and I can’t wait to help you reach your goal of completing your work of art!

Want to learn more things about me? Read some of my blogs here. Share any comments on things you’re interested in learning about!