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Purple in Your Quilts

Favorite Color for Quilts

Do you have a favorite color to use in your quilts? I do! Mine is definitely the color purple in all shades from light lavender to deep, dark purple.

There are some fascinating tidbits that I’ve learned about the color purple and I want to share them with you. (Feel free to listen to Purple Rain by Prince while you read this. 😃)

Color is a Way of Communicating

Did you know that color is a non-verbal way of communicating? Wearing a specific color can convey your feelings about your mood, what kind of day you’re having or even what you’re thinking about. 

Water droplet in purple

In marketing, you can attract a specific audience simply by using colors that appeal to different genders. Colors can grab the attention of a consumer and make them want to click on a button and learn more – simply because appealing colors are used! 

Purple in History

Wikipedia provides some interesting information about the color purple in history: 

“Purple has long been associated with royalty, originally because Tyrian purple dye, made from the mucus secretion of a species of snail, was extremely expensive … Purple was the color worn by Roman magistrates; it became the imperial color worn by the rulers of the Byzantine Empire and the Holy Roman Empire, and later by Roman Catholic bishops. Similarly in Japan, the color is traditionally associated with the emperor and aristocracy.”

Colorology is a type of therapy that began anciently and is still being used today. You can learn more about this fascinating topic here.

Purple Psychology

The Spiritual Meaning of Purple

According to VeryWell Mind “different shades of purple have different spiritual meanings. For instance, light purples are associated with light-hearted, romantic energies while darker shades can represent sadness and frustration. In some parts of Europe, purple is associated with death and mourning.

In the U.S., the Purple Heart is one of the highest honors for bravery in military service. The award, originally called the Badge of Military Merit, was created in 1782 by George Washington to give to soldiers for commendable action. The color represents courage and bravery.”

There is so much more psychology behind colors that I could just keep reading on and on. But instead, let’s talk about some applications of the color purple in day to day life.

Purple Paint 

As I was thinking about colors a fun memory popped into my head taking me back to my teenage years. I painted my bedroom light lavender when I was 17. That thought has not crossed my mind in many years and I’m happy that my mom gave me the freedom to choose the color and do the work myself! I loved that bedroom! Maybe, if I paint my laundry room that same color I would discover that I love spending time doing laundry in there. It would certainly be worth a try. 

Perfect Purple Pansies

Last week we had a divinely beautiful spring day here in Utah and I took a dive to American Fork. I found myself admiring some professionally designed flower beds complete with tulips in bright happy colors that stole all of my attention. As I got closer to the flower beds and inspected the master gardening I was delighted to see the carpet of tiny, purple flowers growing close to the ground offering the stunning backdrop for the showy tulips above. 

This was so thrilling to me that I took pictures and couldn’t wait to share them. I also went straight to my local Lowes nursery and brought home some deep, purple pansies to put into my own garden. 

Perfect Purple Pansies
Perfect Purple Pansies

Purple in My Quilts

There will always be flowers that impress me and cause me to want to grow them in my own yard, but they are usually just temporary because of the season or the type of flower. When I think back to my room being painted lavender it wasn’t so temporary. I like having that color around me more than just on a temporary basis.

Looking around my house for quilts that I’d made in the past, and wondered if they had purple hiding in them. Sure enough! There are small amounts of it in several of my quilts and it wasn’t even intentional. I love that it sneaks itself into my quilts in the form of flowers and backgrounds. 

Grannies Quilt has a hint of purple in the flowers
Grannies Quilt has a hint of purple in the flowers

I use clear, plastic containers to store my quilt fabrics and the purple container is the fullest (right behind the container with Blue fabrics). Quilts are displayed in my home much longer than cut flowers are and I can switch out a quilt when I get tired of it. Does that mean that quilts are  perfect for home decorating? Maybe!!

Purple is a Halloween Color, Too!

A few months ago I went to a local, small town quilt show and boutique with a friend and found THE cutest Halloween fabric. It was a bundle of fat quarters in non-traditional colors of lavender, pink, orange & gray called Spookey ‘n Sweeter by AGF Studios. It was love at first sight and I couldn’t wait to find just the right time to use it. I wanted to showcase it and not lose the adorable prints. I’ve incorporated different shades of purple in this quilt. I’ve also chosen a very simple pattern called Diamond Pavers by Missouri Star and I am delighted with the progress so far.  Below is a picture of the stage it’s at right now. 

Diamond Pavers Pattern by Missouri Star outlined in purple fabrics
Diamond Pavers Pattern by Missouri Star outlined in purple fabrics

I love the color combinations and I’m excited to get it finished and quilted with a fun and playful quilting design called “Along Came a Spider” by UrbanElementz. I’ll post a picture when it’s all finished.

There are so many ways to think about color and how it can be applied to every aspect of our lives. I would love to hear how color affects you – so leave your thoughts in the comments section (you don’t even have to make it about purple).

Have a great day and happy quilting!


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